Cadet Training
Land Navigation
Mastering the art of finding your way in the wilderness armed with only a map, protractor, compass, and intellect is a skill preserved in the Army ROTC program. Training begins in the classroom then after cadets are confident in their abilities they go out with a buddy and later alone into land navigation courses on local military installations to conduct day and night land navigation.
Garrison Operations
The garrison environment is where students combined their lives as both college students and officers-in-training. This is the day-to-day operations of the battalion that take place where cadets live and attend classes. The cadet chain of command controls most of what goes on in garrison such as ROTC events on campus, mentoring of younger cadets, platoon training, and social events. Cadets are given positions of leadership in the battalion their MSIII (junior year) and are evaluated on their ability to accomplish tasks and work with others.
Drill and Ceremony (D&C)
In the Hoya Battalion, cadets will be taught how to be proficient in Drill and Ceremony tasks such as standing at the position of attention, marching in a formation, saluting and other warrior tasks that display the utmost discipline and respect for the customs and courtesies that have been in place in the U.S. Army since the Revolutionary War. Cadets will be assessed on their drill and ceremonies abilities all throughout their career in ROTC until they have mastered this skill in the hopes that one day their own soldiers will be trained and proficient in the same skill.
Rappelling/Confidence Course/Obstacle Course
The purpose of these exercises are to give cadets the opportunity to demonstrate their efficiency in navigating certain obstacles that they would normally not encounter as civilians. These events are used as a tool by the cadre to assess the cadet’s ability to complete a task in an environment that may be uncomfortable to that individual. Thus, this boosts their confidence and prepares them to take on other tasks that may test their courage.
Physical Training
Being “Fit to Fight” is the key to success in Army ROTC. Cadets are regularly assessed on their state of physical readiness, which is instrumental in being able to meet the rigors of training as well as maintaining personal health and well-being. PT is conducted at both Georgetown and consortium schools three mornings a week.
Situational Training Exercises (STX)
STX lanes are mock combat missions executed by squads of cadets against an opposing force. They are designed to test cadets in positions of leadership for their ability to plan, lead, and execute a given mission with a small unit. Cadets in leadership positions are evaluated on there performance and are given feedback on their strengths and weaknesses. These leadership evaluations are a large part of out Leadership Development Program and are a large part of a cadets overall performance at the Leadership Development and Assessment Course attended during the summer between their junior and senior year.
Field Leaders Reaction Course (FLRC)
FLRC is designed to develop and evaluate leadership and to build teamwork early in the camp cycle. Course administration is accomplished using the established cadet organization and chain of command. Cadet leadership potential is assessed by committee evaluators. Cadets are provided the opportunity to get early feedback on their leadership strengths, weaknesses, styles and techniques.
Patrolling STX is a two-day event that provides cadets practical experience leading soldiers at the section level. These two days are designed to evaluate leadership potential using tactical scenarios by giving cadets opportunities to utilize the training as patrol leaders and assistant patrol leaders. Patrolling STX builds on and reinforces all previous instruction, and teaches cadets the basics of air assault operations. This event culminates cadets’ training at LDAC.